dealing with anger management (7/15/24)
a few days ago me and olivia put on a self imposed challenge for us to manage anger by trying not to swear when seeing something frustrating online. this is partially from both our shared trauma living in a situation that led me to become very destructive and angry all the time and olivia even worse so, doubled with my experience online that relied on ragebait for any meaningful conversation. though i obviously won't go into details about my current situation, i was on the right track before it got a lot worse in the past few years, and i can't say much for olivia in that regard either

people who know me know very well know i have the mouth of a sailor, so there's a lot with me that has to be worked on for me to stop letting things get to me. i finally got healthcare again and am going to visit my new therapist tomorrow. maybe she'll be nice, maybe she won't be the one that i can trust, who knows, i'm just tired of feeling like a walking timebomb around my friends

i've never really been a huge fan of the current 'hater' mindset because it's the same one that destroyed me well before 'hater' became a whole catagory of online behavior that it is, now warped into a personality to put on and people will love you for it. maybe it helps other people, but consistently and/or only making your whole presence or a personality trait revolve around something you hate or just hating in general is unfathomable to me, it feels counter-productive and frankly stupid at the end of the day

i've been in a financial rut due to my mother's job for the past few months, we're on food stamps for the first time ever and can't afford food how we used to anymore. money came in yesterday or the day before so i guess things will get better, though my mother hasn't been able to walk normally due to a physical problem in her foot and my sister doesn't seem to care because she still orders mother to do things that she can do herself and won't let her rest, it's frustrating. i'm possibly going to ramen tomorrow from someone else, so i guess that's fun, and my sister will be out of the house for 5 days, which is a miracle at this point

i guess that's all i can really add. i can't wait for niconico to come back up