Create me, with me
hatsune miku memorial dress figure
hey hi hello i'm meek. i'm a random individual that likes vocal synths and fictional idols, enjoy my mini testing ground of coding

keep in mind i'm not a huge tech nerd and i just code for fun so if it looks unpleasant i'm sorry :') i'm doing what i can to make it as easy to navigate as possible, though life can get busy and i'm very much an amateur

all art present on this site is either official hatsune miku art licensed to crypton future media or my own art
miku expo 2021 online main visual, illustration by ryota
social stuff
hatsune miku fanlisting vocaloid fanlisting siinamota fanlisting maki nishikino fanlisting mari ohara fanlisting hiiro amagi fanlisting rinne amagi fanlisting squidward tentacles fanlisting spongebob squarepants fanlisting memes fanlisting internet fanlisting magical girl fanlisting anime fanlisting my little pony: friendship is magic fanlisting blossom fanlisting my little pony: equestria girls: rainbow rocks fanlisting twilight sparkle fanlisting frutiger aero fanlisting
< hotline webring >
no ai webring previous random next an image of a little blue toy robot in a red circle. there's a red line running through the robot. around it are the words NO AI / WEBRING and two arrows, one pointing left, one right, and a little icon with two crossed arrows
about me
vocal synth blog
personal blog
hatsune miku fanlisting
16th birthday
cliques & unions
sites i like
chat box

personal blog on spacehey (archive)
myanimelist (wip)
neocities profile

feel free to link me if you'd like (upload to your server)
my button my banner

palestinian flag

a stamp of a hatsune miku nendoroid wearing sunglasses with a transparent stripe overlay and the text 'miku' on the side a stamp of hatsune miku smiling with light blue squiggles in the background a stamp of a hatsune miku nendoroid winking and holding a drawing of a bunny up on a stick a stamp of hatsune miku from the popular 'world is mine' fan mv with a glitter effect a stamp of a hatsune miku chibi figure winking a stamp of hachune miku holding a spring onion from 'ievan polkka' with the text 'i got a leek, don't make me use it' a still white, pink, and blue blinkie with a pink and blue heart respectively on each side. the text says 'miku pls interact' a blinkie of nyan cat with the text 'nyan nyan nyan' a blinkie of the trans flag with the text 'this user is trains' a blinkie of the asexual flag with the text 'asexual pride' a blinkie of the aromantic flag with the text 'aromantic pride' a white and pink blinkie with the tbh creature on the side. the text says 'autism!' a white and black blinkie with the plural symbol on the side. the text says 'plural system' a brown and white blinkie with brown hearts and calico cats on the sides. the text says 'proud cat dad' a blue and turquoise blinkie with a rotating cd on each side. the text says 'i love the music!' a purple and lavender blinkie with the text 'bitten by the blinkie bug' and a purple cartoon bug on right side a stamp of hatsune miku smiling and holding her headphones with pastel pink, blue, orange, and green. it's also drawn by her official illustrator, kei a stamp of a hatsune miku nendoroid holding pom-poms and smiling a stamp of hatsune miku from a fanmade reanimation of the first 'k-on!' opening, who is supposed to be yui hirasawa a stamp of various illustration of hatsune miku in a slideshow fashion, transitioned with blue music bars, eventually ending with the text 'hatsune miku' a stamp of hatsune miku pointing to the audience and winking while opening her mouth in an O shape, shortly after transitioning with hearts a stamp of a hatsune miku nendoroid winking
vocalohistory album cover, featuring all mikus from previous exit tunes albums
music player code by

places where miku has connected people
Free counters!
a chibi hatsune miku holding the transgender flag
UPDATES 3/5/25: site is back in business :)