site is temporarily inaccessable as i figure out what to do in light of kyle drake's blog post on AI, going fully anti-art as the creator of a host made for personal expression. i'm currently sick and can't attend at the moment so i'm writing this primarily on my phone and then editing briefly on my pc

i'm keeping the miku fanlisting available here for the sake of convenience, and it'll be the first thing i'll transfer to a new host if necessary, but i'm not comfortable with the rest of my site being easily available to view (as in the pages are still up but you'll have to input the link if you wish to see it) since it's more personal to myself then it is to people who view it (and my fanlisting being more centric to visitors overall)

i'm gutwrenched by his post as a very open anti-AI artist in my private and irl life, i go to college so i can better my skills and hope to work in art someday, i take commissions in general so i can afford things for myself since i live in a household with no constant source of income, bankrupt. AI has been detrimental to my life, both as an artist and vocal synth fan, where creation is being substituted for convenience in the biggest transition i've seen from loving the work of creators to hating the slightest concept of art unless it's on a ticket to fame and profit. even if he never implements AI as a whole into neocities, his opinions on the matter of AI show that i can't entrust my place of human expression on the work of someone who can't fathom it it's for the sake of "advancement", when artists are losing their jobs and health insurance by studios ridden with corporate greed, while the businesses that make this AI generation steal the work of those artists, some of them dead. even people not working in entertainment are scared that their jobs will be lost as soon as the overlord can get their hands on the next financial loophole, destroying the planet days and days at a time

that is all the usage of AI is in this day, an easy way out of work where the workers don't get paid, a lazy source of entertainment with dire consequences on the earth we live in. nothing more, nothing less. i simply don't want my work up here as a result, but i can't do anything about it while sick. i hope you can understand

if he somehow changed his feelings about AI within the year he posted it to now then there's an extremely slight possibility i'll retreat back here, but it's disappointing and i'm beyond upset overall

host change may be coming soon. take care from mikufan3939

no ai webring previous random next an image of a little blue toy robot in a red circle. there's a red line running through the robot. around it are the words NO AI / WEBRING and two arrows, one pointing left, one right, and a little icon with two crossed arrows